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#1 28.09.2010 21:51:20

Реєстрація: 29.11.2005
К-ть повідомлень: 378

University of Twente

This is a pre-announcement of a postdoc position and three PhD student positions, all in the
area of nanotechnology and society. Pending final decisions about funding of the national-level
NanoNextNLprogram, which has a subprogram on anticipation on embedding of nanotechnology
in society, University of Twente’s Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies wishes
to draw attention to these upcoming positions, and invites eligible candidates who are interested
to contact Dr. Kornelia Konrad, e-mail: k.e.konrad@utwente.nl, phone: +31 53 489 3906.

The Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STəPS) takes the assessment and
governance of innovations and emerging sciences and technologies (contemporary, historical,
and future) as its central theme of teaching and research. STəPS considers in particular strategic
issues that require multidisciplinary approaches to developments in science, technology, politics
and society. Studies conducted within STəPS link analytical and normative perspectives, and
consider not only technological innovations but also innovations in governance. See also

Brief descriptions of the four positions:

Post-doctoral position: Socio-technical scenarios and strategy articulation for key
application areas of micro-/nanotechnology
(full-time for the duration of 18 months)

While the shape of nanotechnology applications and their eventual effects on society and
economy are uncertain, controlled speculation about applications and impacts is possible with the
help of socio-technical scenarios (see the results of the TA NanoNed program in the predecessor
of the NanoNextNL program, www.nanoned.nl). Socio-technical scenarios as a constructive
technology assessment approach build on insights from science, technology and innovation
studies and on stakeholder knowledge. The postdoc will develop scenarios and organize
stakeholder workshops aimed at articulation of strategic implications and potential impacts for
areas of nanotechnology worked on in NanoNextNL. The project will be conducted in cooperation
with a parallel project at the University of Utrecht.

The position is open to people with an interest in an analytical perspective into current sociotechnical
dynamics of nanotechnologies as well as an interest in the interaction with practitioners
in the field. The ideal candidate will have a background in science, technology and innovation
studies. Experience in scenario-building, workshop organization, qualitative interviewing and prior
research related to nanotechnologies are assets.

PhD position: The co-evolution of sectoral structures and nanotechnologies
(full-time for the duration of 4 years)

Nanotechnology is often presented as a breakthrough technology that may profoundly change
sectoral and industry structures. However, to what extent this will happen and what may be the
specific implications for certain sectors and industries is unclear. At the same time, current
structures provide important context conditions for nanotechnology-enabled innovations, which
may be more or less conducive for nanotechnologies in general and for specific directions. The
PhD student will investigate these questions for selected cases bymeans of qualitative and,
where appropriate, quantitative approaches. On the basis of the analysis, possible broader
economic and societal impacts and strategic implications will be estimated.

The ideal candidate will have completed a master’s degree related to science, technology and
innovation studies or a master’s degree in disciplines like sociology, economics, geography with
some acquaintance with science, technology and innovation studies. Candidates with a relevant
natural science or engineering background may qualify as well when there is a demonstrable
interest in social science and innovation studies.

PhD position: Practices, institutionalization and impact of responsible innovation in
(full-time for the duration of 4 years)

The notion of ‘responsible innovation’ or ‘responsible development’ has become widespread
concern in the context of emerging nanotechnologies, especially in policy discourse. There are
instances of responsible development already, like the formulation of codes of conduct, the
setting-up of public engagement processes, willingness of firms and laboratories to be
transparent. Actual practices of ‘doing responsible development’ may spread and stabilize, i.e.
become institutionalized, or turn out to be merely transitory phenomena. The PhD student will
investigate to what extent and how responsible development has evolved from a rhetorical
practice to more substantial practices related to research, development and production and to
what extent and how this affects ongoing innovation processes. Furthermore, s/he will inquire, if,
how and where certain practices become institutionalized at different levels. This may work out
differently for different sectors and/or national contexts.

The ideal candidate will have completed a master’s degree related to science, technology and
innovation studies or a master’s degree in disciplines like sociology, policy studies, business
administration with some acquaintance with science, technology and innovation studies.
Candidates with a relevant natural science or engineering background may qualify as well when
there is a demonstrable interest in social science and innovation studies.

PhD position: Governance of promises and risks in nanotechnology
(full-time for the duration of 3 years)

While nanotechnology is full of far-reaching promises mobilizing researchers, funding agencies
and innovation actors, concerns about potential risks have emerged as well and turned into
legitimate concerns. Both are forms of expectation-building, and both are shaped (governed) by
actor constellations and institutional arrangements. It is important to understand these dynamics
when attempting to govern them, somehow. How exactly the different forms of expectationbuilding
and coordination as part of societal discourses, foresight and technology assessment
programmes have evolved and how they have modulated the further development of
nanotechnology is the topic of this PhD project. The PhD student will also examine how various
innovation actors from research, industry and policy have been affected by different modes of
expectation-building and how they contribute to their further evolution.

The ideal candidate will have completed a two-year research master’s degree related to science,
technology and innovation studies or a master’s degree in disciplines like sociology, policy
studies, geography with some acquaintance with science, technology and innovation studies.

Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.

                                                                                                       Richard Feynman

Поза форумом

#2 29.09.2010 12:29:03

Реєстрація: 11.04.2007
К-ть повідомлень: 20

Re: University of Twente

Мрачный проэкт... Много сложных слов и непонятно, что конкретно нужно делать. Как раз то, что с удовольствием финансируют европейские научные фонды.

После работы над таким проэктом нужно дальше идти в политику smile

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